O is for Ophelia

Rosemary’s for remembrance

Remember me

For I have all but forgotten myself

The rosy-cheeked youth of years past

Is but a fading memory

She does not exist anymore

The pink roses of her cheeks have faded

And pheasant’s eye now grows in the garden of my heart

Nourished under the garish sun and watered with tears


Giving life

Life is now painful

But water

Giving life

Can take it away

47: Do You Love Me?

Spent last night from 7 to 5:30 watching all of the episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion back to back. For any who don’t know, the basic summary is that it’s a fighting mecha anime that suddenly turns into a psychology class in the last couple episodes. My brain decided to put the same torment on some of my characters, and then this was the result. I had to get out of bed because this poem wouldn’t leave me alone.

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16: Appreciate a Dragon Day

Today, January 16th, is Religious Freedom Day. But that’s not the important thing about today. The important thing is that it’s Appreciate a Dragon Day. Because, personally, if I had a choice between going to church and riding a dragon, I’d have to choose the dragon. Even if the church were the First Church of Vaughn.

Sorry Vaughn. Dragons have wings too, and they might actually let me ride around on their backs.

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