I’m Alive

I don’t know how the end of the world went for the rest of you, fighting off zombies and the like, but it was a pretty calm Apocalypse here in New Jersey. And here I was thinking Armageddon was going to attack New Jersey with a vengeance, as punishment for Jersey Shore.

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Goodbye, World!

This, the first post, would usually be entitled “Hello World,” but I feel like it’s a bit late for that. We’ve got three days until the end of the world, if the doomsayers are to be believed. I’m pretty sure that the world’s ended about five times this year, though, so I think we’ll be able to make it through this apocalypse just swimmingly.

Assuming we do make it through the apocalypse, I have some engagements I need to fulfill. My spring semester of college. The year of writing which I (perhaps foolishly) agreed to join. And, now, keeping a blog. Hopefully I’ll remember, because I’ve never been good at keeping diaries or anything like that. On the bright side, this is allowed to count towards my wordcount for the year once January starts.

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