A is for Airships

I believe my love for airships started with Abney Park. I mean, I have this feeling that there was something about airships before that, in my life, but I can’t remember anything before hearing the wonder that is ‘Airship Pirate’.

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Cutie Marks

I am sure that absolutely EVERYONE who could possibly be reading this blog knows about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. From what I’ve seen, it’s kind of equivalent to being on the Internet at this point. Sometimes I think it’s fun to figure out what the pony versions of my characters would be, especially their cutie marks.

Quick recap: Cutie marks are symbols on the flank of a pony. They’re not born with them, but get them as a sort of puberty thing when they discover their super special talent. It happens at different times for different ponies. The symbol shows what the pony is good at and what makes them special.

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38: Made For Each Other

You people know Raizha, right? Rai-jii? Rai-Rai? The bitch with the clocks? Yeah, I’m pretty sure you know Raizha. You probably know that Raizha has a crazy obsession with clocks. She also has a crazy obsession with wolves, being as that’s the name of her army. Well, we recently invited another friend into our Box of craziness, otherwise known as Skype, and she has a character named Eon.

Who is a demon clock.

With wolf friends.

And they live in a world full of wolves.

And clocks.

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33: Raizha’s Bedroom

I found some delightful writing prompts here,  and decided it might be fun to do some of them. So why not start at the beginning and do #1?

1.  Describe your main character’s bedroom. Don’t forget to look in drawers and closets, and under the bed.

I might do this for Sokola at some point, but she doesn’t have a bedroom for the part of the book I’m writing right now, and when she did have a bedroom, she shared it with her mother and Priyaka. Plus, Raizha’s bedroom is tons of interesting.

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31: Sokola Interview

Hello lovely reader(s)! Today we will be interviewing on of my most adorable characters (at least in our opinion), one Miss Sokola… well, she doesn’t really have a last name… just Sokola. She’s an eleven-year-old, speckled, curly, lumpy-headed girl. And she’s going to be the subject of today’s post.

Also, she has wings.

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24: When Your Characters Control YOU

You know your characters are controlling your life when:

  • When you end up with zombie romance in your story because your undead character begs to be together with your main character.
  • When you buy a cloak so you can be your zombie character.
  • You have a folder of clock pictures for Raizha.
  • You spend an evening looking at clocks on Amazon for Raizha.
  • You actually buy a pocket watch… to make Raizha happy.
  • Mordecai reprimands you whenever you happen across anything a young lady should not be seeing.
  • Mordecai reprimands you for wearing pants.
  • Mordecai reprimands you for ‘losing’ your student ID in your jacket pocket.
  • Mordecai just reprimands you for everything.
  • You feel compelled to look in the jewelry section of a store because Mordecai wants to get something nice for Dorothy.
  • You have to learn the Charleston because Dorothy knows it.
  • You have to memorize the poems your characters have memorized.
  • You’re a vegetarian, but you kind of want to buy some ham because Sokola loves it.
  • You’ve translated phrases into French so much that you’re starting to learn it… the dirty parts, at least.
  • You worship Vaughn as a god.

21: Procrastination

I’m a bad, bad girl. I was supposed to write a post yesterday… not that I specifically said I’d have one up every day, but I’d like to… and I didn’t. I was supposed to do my homework yesterday… and I didn’t. I was supposed to work on my story yesterday, and I did very little of that. So, what did I do yesterday?

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