K is for Krylyavs

Hi, guys. It’s been a while since I interviewed any characters so I thought that today I might do a double feature by interviewing both Malik and Silniev Krylyav, as their last name begins with today’s letter. Malik is Silniev’s father, so I figured they wouldn’t mind sharing.

Since there are three people talking today and I can’t just do the italics not-italics thing, the boys will have either M or S before their dialogue.

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G is for Gunner

Warning: Do not continue if you are afraid of rats, or if reading about rat-type creatures is going to upset you.

For the purpose of this story, please imagine a giant rat with bat-like wings. By the way, giant rats exist, some of them apparently growing to the size of the cat you bought to get rid of them.They are a completely different species than your ordinary rat, but they are an invasive species so… sleep tight.

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31: Sokola Interview

Hello lovely reader(s)! Today we will be interviewing on of my most adorable characters (at least in our opinion), one Miss Sokola… well, she doesn’t really have a last name… just Sokola. She’s an eleven-year-old, speckled, curly, lumpy-headed girl. And she’s going to be the subject of today’s post.

Also, she has wings.

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Day Two: Rest In Peace

Killing off characters. The first time I tried to kill off a character, I was like five or six. I don’t remember exactly when it was, but I remember that I was trying to write a murder mystery that was on a farm, and all of the characters were animals. Some of which had no business being on a farm. A cat was ‘murdered’ but no body was found, and it was assumed that someone had eaten the cat. The cat, by the way, was creatively called Cat, because there were only one of each animal. Old MacDonald, after all, had a cat and a cow and a pig and a dog, but the song never said that he had more than one of any of these animals.

Short story shorter, the cat was up a tree the whole time because I was like six and didn’t know how murder worked.

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Birthday Wishes

I would like to wish the ever-lovely Miss Moonstone a very happy birthday, and I suppose I can wish the rest of the world a reasonably decent unbirthday while I’m at it. Unless, of course, it is their birthday and they are not Miss Moonstone, because the odds that Miss Moonstone is the only one with a birthday today are probably extremely hard to calculate. I wouldn’t know, I have not yet taken Prob and Stats. Although actually I know the probability is 0 because one of my Facebook friends also has a birthday today.

Mordecai and I wished Miss Moonstone a very happy birthday already, but I decided not to let all my other characters do it on Facebook because then we’d both look crazy. So I’ll do that here. 😀 😀 😀

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Mirror, Mirror

For character development, we often have our characters chat over Skype, which will henceforth be known as ‘the magic’. Computers are ‘the magic’, the Internet is ‘the magic’, Skype is ‘the magic’, and cell phones are ‘the little magic boxes’. You get used to it after a while.

You also get used to talking about characters like they are completely separate entities.

Anyway, since Moonstone’s character Vaughn started having a daddy-daughter sort of bond with a little girl from the novel I’ll be working on next, I decided to do him a favor and insert a character based on him, to act as a sort of mentor figure for Sokola and protect her. His name is Malik. I mean, I thought it through first to see if it would help the story, and in my opinion it will, so Malik is now part of my story.

The problem with this is that I felt a bit weird about writing him because I didn’t want to make him too different from Vaughn other than what would have been cultural difference due to growing up in two completely different worlds. I know some people don’t care about making the character do things the source would never do *cough* Severna *cough* but I do.

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